About the Author

Larry Trapp

Larry Trapp was born and raised in Bakersfield, California, and still lives only about forty miles from his birthplace in the tiny mountain community of Tehachapi. 
He attended several different colleges and universities until finally earning, with the great patience of his wife, Merryl, a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from the Master’s University in Santa Clarita. He was also blessed to have been able to achieve a master of education degree at Ashford University while teaching at the Heritage Oak Classical Christian School in Tehachapi. 
It has been his lifelong dream to share with the world a story that contains challenges, God’s provisional care, and redemption. Besides music, one of the great loves of the author’s life is history, and he has tried to tell a story about faith, hope, and courage in a very demanding and oftentimes forgotten period of our past.